

Let's end


In the last 2 months you’ve shared…




Knew the perpetrator

Historical reports (pre 2024)


Stats are updated every few days to protect the anonymity of those reporting

The data collected will be used to inform change.

Our mission is that through providing a place for everyone to document their experience of sexual harassment, we can finally bring light to the severity of this issue and have statistics on paper of what is happening on a day to day basis.

The aim is that once there is a regular cadence of reports coming in, or enough for us to derive insight and patterns, the data will be made available to organisations operating in the area of sexual harassment i.e. An Garda Síochána, rape crisis centres, as well as to inform policy and research.

This data, our collective voices, will then go to informing solutions and next steps, as we move towards a society where sexual harassment is eradicated.

Reportd Objectives

  • Providing a user-friendly platform for individuals to report all levels of sexual harassment, especially incidents often dismissed, located at the bottom of the harassment hierarchy.

  • Developing a comprehensive system for collecting data to better understand and analyse the prevalence of sexual harassment in Ireland.

  • Encouraging a societal shift in attitude to recognize that all forms of sexual harassment are serious and warrant attention and reporting.

We’re only getting started!

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